Silver Town Korea | 실버타운 탐방기(4) 서울 시니어스 강남타워 – 입주비용, 생활비, 보증금, 도서관, 문화센터 Korean Silver Town: Seoul Seniors Gangnam Tower 18268 투표 이 답변

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Smart Silver Towns: Prospects and Challenges

These environment have led to recent silver town developments in Korea, which are high-rise apartment buildings for elderly-only living.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 12/26/2022

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Silvertown is a small, 200 unit senior housing complex situated in Kyungki-Do, South Korea. The design objective was to create a sense of community while …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


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Silvertown for the Golden Years – Gwangju News

Noel Silver Town is one of a rising number of elderly nursing homes in Korea, a service essential to meeting the demand of a raply aging …

+ 여기를 클릭


Date Published: 7/1/2021

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실버타운 (Silver Town) – Gyeonggi Province – South Korea

실버타운 (Silver Town) is next to Sagimak and is located in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. amenity: hospital; name:en: Silver Town; name:ko: 실버타운 …

+ 여기를 클릭


Date Published: 12/18/2021

View: 4421

As Covid hits ‘silvertowns’ hard, many elderly are left waiting …

Silvertowns these days are more like zombie towns,” sa one 66-year-old resent at a silvertown in Giheung District, Gyeonggi.

+ 여기에 더 보기


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(PDF) Silver towns and smart technologies – ResearchGate

The raply increasing aging population combined with a lack of aged care facilities in Korea has led to the recent development of silver …

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A Field Study of Silver Town Retirement Communities in Seoul …

A Field Study of Silver Town Retirement Communities in Seoul, Korea (English). Environmental Design Research Association.

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Date Published: 9/28/2022

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주제와 관련된 이미지 silver town korea

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 실버타운 탐방기(4) 서울 시니어스 강남타워 – 입주비용, 생활비, 보증금, 도서관, 문화센터 Korean Silver Town: Seoul Seniors Gangnam Tower. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

실버타운 탐방기(4) 서울 시니어스 강남타워 - 입주비용, 생활비, 보증금, 도서관, 문화센터 Korean Silver Town: Seoul Seniors Gangnam Tower
실버타운 탐방기(4) 서울 시니어스 강남타워 – 입주비용, 생활비, 보증금, 도서관, 문화센터 Korean Silver Town: Seoul Seniors Gangnam Tower

주제에 대한 기사 평가 silver town korea

  • Author: 공빠TV – 공부하는 엄마아빠
  • Views: 조회수 22,629회
  • Likes: 좋아요 427개
  • Date Published: 2021. 1. 16.
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Gyeonggido, Korea


Silvertown is a small, 200 unit senior housing complex situated in Kyungki-Do, South Korea. The design objective was to create a sense of community while fully accommodating independent senior living, all in harmony with the mountainous surroundings. To accomplish this, random and informal nature trails, bike and jogging paths are intertwined with a more structured common area that includes formal planting and a tree-lined walkway leading to a circular entrance plaza.

Silvertown for the Golden Years

Written By Karly Pierre

The band comes every Wednesday. An elderly woman grabs the microphone and heads toward the front of the crowded dining hall—swaying and singing while she parrots the flashing lyrics on the screen. Everyone claps along to the familiar rhythm. They cheer on both her vocal triumphs and shortcomings. Soon the microphone will be passed to someone else in the crowd, but not before the bandleader invites her for a spin on the dance floor.

Noel Silver Town is one of a rising number of elderly nursing homes in Korea, a service essential to meeting the demand of a rapidly aging society. Korea’s 65 and over age demographic, which now accounts for 13.1 percent of the population, is projected to balloon to 40.1 percent by 2060, according to Statistics Korea. Caring for generations with longer life expectancies along with changing family dynamics has become a challenge for the nation.

“The band is from the Western District Office,” Noel Silver Town Director Jeong Eun Mi explained. The music

from the dining hall fades to a distant thumping as she walks down a hallway. She points out colorful origami dangling from strings, a photo of two residents playfully arm wrestling and a small celadon vase. “A resident made that vase. Sometimes they sell their pottery at flea markets.”

From the sunroom’s large windows, the view of the surrounding hills, orchards and garden below are a reminder to the facility’s 28 residents that not all of Korea is racing forward. For this generation, who Jeong said are known as “Hills of Barley,” the thought is comforting.

“Our residents aren’t strong enough to work in a garden anymore,” Jeong said. “So they watch the farmers in the garden and sometimes give them advice.”

All of the facility’s residents are women in their 80s or older. Most were factory workers in the past. This is the generation, Jeong notes, that experienced “years of intense starvation and hardship,” only to find themselves swept up in the middle of the nation’s economic boom without a safety net.

“They were devoting too much to their families and could not prepare themselves for their elderly years,” Jeong said. “In Korea’s current system, it is difficult for families to care for elderly family members in the home as we did in the past. Within a family, both parents are working and family size has decreased.”

In traditional Korean Confucian society, caring for the elderly was the responsibility of the family, namely the eldest son. Jeong notes that in the past, sending an elderly family member to a nursing facility was considered abandonment, but with the government’s recent push to expand long-term welfare, facilities like this no longer have a negative stigma.

Woolgang Church, led by Pastor Kim Yoo Su, launched Noel Silver Town in 2009. Jeong has served as director from the beginning. She previously worked in the Eastern District Public Health Center and was a professor at Honnam University in the Social Welfare Department.

“I would send my students on practicums to various nursing homes, and my students would return complaining about the poor living conditions of the elderly,” Jeong said. “From that experience, I wanted Silver Town to be a role model for nursing homes in Korea.”

Many residents in the facility are wheelchair bound, but Jeong has implemented programs to create an environment in which residents do not feel trapped indoors. Elementary and kindergarten students regularly visit to create a cross-generational connection. There is a fitness program, cooking classes and, a particular favorite among residents, foot aromatherapy massage sessions.

“They get to relax and talk to the masseurs,” Jeong said. “The elderly are so used to giving and not receiving, it’s important to create experiences that focus on them only. Occasionally, we will take them on outings for a picnic or festivals. They eat and shop…During Chuseok we made songpyeon together. It’s funny because the residents can make them faster than our cooks.”

Noel Silver Town’s staff of 18 includes nurses, cooks, caregivers and administrators. Jeong has visited a number of nursing homes in other countries including Japan, Sweden and the United States and feels that a “smaller is better” approach is more effective when providing elder care.

“After touring other facilities, I feel we have high quality programs and services,” Jeong said. “I think elderly people feel lonelier in bigger facilities.”

A waiting list is evidence of Noel Silver Town’s growing reputation in the community. It offers a high standard of service, but is able to keep its fees relatively low (around 400,000 won per month) when compared with other nursing homes in Korea. This is due in large part to the support it receives from Woolgang Church. Also, in July 2008, the government began the Long-term Care Insurance System, which supplements expenses at nursing facilities.

With changing demographic trends and new government initiatives, elder care is set to become a thriving industry in Korea. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, in 2001, 7,864 elderly people resided in 128 nursing homes throughout the country. In 2012, 103,973 elderly Koreans resided in 4,079 nursing homes. A 2011 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report showed the number of long-term care beds in Korea was increasing at a markedly faster rate than any other developed country.

Although elder care is a nationally debated issue, the decision to enter a nursing home is a personal one.

“In their hearts and minds, the elderly want to be with their families,” Jeong said. “But some elderly came here of their own will because they think it is better to be taken care of by the facility since we provide food at regular times and they are able to be social.”

Families considering moving an elderly family member to Noel Silver Town are given a tour and subsequent counseling in order to make a decision.

“Many Koreans think that if you enter a nursing home you will stay there forever, but that’s not always the case,” Jeong said. “This is also a good place for recovery. If the resident’s health improves and they want to return home, they can. That has happened a few times here.”

Although Noel Silver Town was founded by a Christian church, its openness to welcome people of all spiritual backgrounds appeals to residents and their families.

“Most families like the fact that we have morning services everyday and ministers visit us on Sundays,” Jeong said. “We sing and pray, but there are some people who are not religious and that is fine…I believe that through caring for the elderly I am spreading the love of Jesus. I feel joy seeing the happy families when they visit. That kind of moment motivates me.

실버타운 (Silver Town), Gyeonggi Province, South Korea

실버타운 (Silver Town)

실버타운 (Silver Town) is next to Sagimak and is located in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea

amenity: hospital

hospital name:en: Silver Town

Silver Town name:ko: 실버타운

실버타운 name:ko_rm: Silbeotaun

Silbeotaun ncat: 병원

병원 source:

Latitude: 37°47’40.44″

Longitude: 127°14’54.78″

Well known places, streets and travel destinations

As Covid hits ‘silvertowns’ hard, many elderly are left waiting for help

As Covid hits ‘silvertowns’ hard, many elderly are left waiting for help

“Silvertowns these days are more like zombie towns,” said one 66-year-old resident at a silvertown in Giheung District, Gyeonggi.“Many of us [including people in their 70s and 80s] are in self-isolation and receiving at-home treatments [for Covid-19]. I only see my neighbors when I’m getting food from the cafeteria.”As “silvertowns,” otherwise known as private, elderly residential complexes, have been getting hit with massive cluster infections amid the national dearth of hospital beds since November, virus-positive residents are being deprived of proper medical care and treatment.A total of 66 elderly residents at the Giheung District silvertown tested positive for the virus after an outbreak that started late last month from a man who used the complex’s public bathhouse.While the average age of residents in the complex is 76, most of these elderly patients who tested positive were prescribed at-home Covid treatments.According to the Central Disease Management Headquarters’ regulations of at-home Covid-19 treatments, only those under the age of 70 who are either asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic are supposed to be eligible for these treatments.“My neighbor, who is in his 80s, tested positive for the virus Nov. 26 and yet was assigned to at-home treatments,” said the 66-year-old resident.“He wasn’t even given medicine and was barely holding on until a few days later when he was finally transferred to a military hospital in Ilsan [because all the civilian hospitals’ intensive care units, or I.C.U.s, nearby were filled].”An official from the Ministry of Health and Welfare said that they are trying to transfer critically ill patients in silvertowns to hospitals, but sometimes they cannot because the elderly patients do not always cooperate with them.“Some feel uncomfortable leaving their hometowns, so they don’t want to go to a hospital far away,” said an official from the ministry.“Also, some don’t properly report their symptoms in fear that they will be negatively stigmatized in their community.”Still, the underlying problem behind the large number of elderly patients receiving at-home treatments is the lack of sickbeds for Covid-19 patients across the nation.A total of 88.1 percent of Covid I.C.U. beds in the greater Seoul area and 79.2 percent in the entire country were occupied as of Thursday, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA).The 66-year-old resident at the complex said that when he tested positive with Covid-19, he was assigned to at-home treatment, though he lived with his wife who did not have the virus.“We used separate bathrooms and everything, but it was only a matter of days until she caught the virus from me,” the resident said. “At-home treatments seem no different than telling the people we live with to catch the virus as well.”Civic groups across the nation are holding mass protests against the government’s expansive at-home Covid-19 treatment policy.“At-home treatments are just a nicer way to say treatment-in-waiting — it is more like neglect than treatment,” said a member of the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy at a press conference in Jong District, central Seoul, on Thursday.“At-home treatment is just another way to hide the fact that our country is running out of sickbeds.”Experts say that alternative setups need to be erected to hospitalize more Covid-19 patients and properly take care of them.“In order to overcome this situation, we need to build new hospitals that only take in critically ill Covid patients and also need to gather medical staff to work there,” said Kim Dong-hyeon, professor of preventative medicine at Hallym University.“We are at a point in the pandemic where we need to prepare for the worst.”BY CHOI YEON-SU, LEE JIAN [[email protected]]

A Field Study of Silver Town Retirement Communities in Seoul, Korea


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Neighborhood: Sense of Community Codified Norms in Urban Design: The Neighborhood Unit in the Community Builders Handbook 1947-1975 Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Neighborhood Design and Social Capital: The Effects of Sidewalks, Cul-de-Sacs, and Housing Setbacks on Neighborhood Involvement, Familiarity, and Satisfaction Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Perceived Neighborhood Environment and Neighborhood Satisfaction as Determinants of Housing Value Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Considering Surveillance: Sustainability, Security Cameras and the Design Fields Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Balancing Openness and Security in Federal Courthouses: Reassessing Openness in a Heightened Security Scenario Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Fear of Crime in a Large Railway Terminal Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Measuring Relationships Between Spatial, Visual and Sociodemographic Properties of Crime Locations and the Occurrence of Certain Types of Crimes Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Building A Sustainable Future: Virtual Studios Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


After the Storm: A Design Charette for the Mississippi Gulf Coast Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Collaboration Studio Under Scrutiny: A Combination of the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator and Students’ Design Skills Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Creative Decision-Making In Design: A Creativity Model to Enhance the Design Studio Process Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Effect of Visual Displays on Design Problem Solving Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Doors/Enter Here: The Interface of Architecture and Art Therapy in Interpreting Form and Enhancing Wellbeing Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Green Timeline: A Virtual View of the People, Publications, Projects and Milestones that Shaped the Sustainability Movement in the U.S Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Evaluating the Effectiveness of Videos in Teaching Design Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Institutional Environmental Project of the Language Center in Cordoba, Veracruz Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Palimpsest, Place Making and Processing Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Student and Faculty Attitudes: Psychological and Social Concerns in Architecture Programs Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Sustaining Design Process Amidst Shifts in Graphics Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Taking up the “2030 Challenge”: Toward a Carbon Neutral Regeneration of the McCall Field Campus Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Teaching Social and Cultural Approaches to Sustainable Architecture in China: A Report from Southeastern University, Nanjing, May 2007 Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Women in Academia: A Special Case for Departments of City Planning in California Universities Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Understanding the Millennial Generation: Pedagogy for Tomorrow’s Leaders Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Learning Environments Children’s Preferences and Attachment to Place in Learning Environments Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


In Search of Supportive School Environments: An Exploratory Study of the Physical and Emotional Environment of High School Students Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Schools of Architecture A Case Study: Campus Building Sustainability Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Nurturing Children’s Place Attachment: The Language of Learning Environments Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Architecture of Schools of Architecture Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Building Sustainable Teacher Community in the High School: The Importance of the Teacher Workroom in Teachers’ Professional Practice Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Teaching Environments Ambient Conditions in Early Childhood Setting and Teacher Performance: A Case Study Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Physical Design and Learning Behaviors and Outcomes in University Classrooms Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Environmental Design Theory Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Research Methods Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Fluid vs. Static Context Research Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Inferring Building Floor Plans from Cultural Data, Geometric Reasoning and Space Syntax Analysis Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Phenomenological Experience and Interpretation of Water Space in Contemporary Museum of Art Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Responsive Design in the Built Environment Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Role of Time in Environmental Research Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Applying Person-Centered Care Principles to the Refurbishment of a Dementia Care Unit: Outcomes Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Benefits of using the Professional Environmental Assessment Protocol (PEAP) with the Therapeutic Environmental Screening Survey (TESS-2+) Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


An Environmental Improvement in a Group Home for Elderly with Dementia Based on PEAP (Japan Ver.3) Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Field Study of Silver Town Retirement Communities in Seoul, Korea Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Light and Daylight: Reducing Falls, Hip Fractures and Sleep Disorders While Reducing Energy Consumption Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Mobility and Social Representations of Aging: Experiences and Meanings of “Home” for Elderly Suburbanites Growing Old at Home Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Physical Environmental Influences on the Physical Activity Behavior of Older Adults in Continuing Care Retirement Communities Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Post-Occupancy Evaluations of Elderly Learning Spaces in Long-term Care Facilities: Using the Balanced Scorecard Framework Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Study of Home Environment Modifications Corresponding to Elderly People with Dementia: Analysis Based on Research of Nursing Care Managers Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Study on the Needs for Future Digital Lifestyles of the Elderly Through Scenarios in a Multipurpose Restaurant Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Study on Patterns of the Daily Life Behavior and Activity Territory for the Elderly in Nursing Homes: A Case Study of a Hospital-Based Nursing Home in Southern Taiwan Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Sustainable Environments: Optimizing Natural Light in Senior Living Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Sustaining Independence for Community Dwelling Elders: Adult Day Services as an Emerging Place Type Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Tools and Processes for Culture Change in Long-term Care Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Managing Memory, Managing Meaning Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Sustaining Place: Memory, Memorial and Identity Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Reactive Building Envelopes: Optimizing Indoor Comfort Through Adaptable Architecture Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Users’ Priorities: Activities and Environmental Factors in the Hospital Outpatient Waiting Room Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Evaluating Hospital Waiting Rooms: The Effects of Interiors on Users’ Impressions Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Alternative Healthcare Environments Branding of Northeastern Oklahoma Community Health Centers Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Road Ahead: The Need to Clarify and Re-Conceptualize Healing Environments Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Realizing the Concept of the Healthcare Mall: An Example from Taiwan Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Nurses’ Workplace Environments Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Specialized Healthcare Settings Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Influence of View in Inpatient Care Units on Nurse Stress and Wellbeing Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Impact of the Physical Environment on Patient and Staff Outcomes in Health Care Settings Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Analysis of Healing Environments of Women’s Hospitals in Korea Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Defining the Design Characteristics of a Successful Adaptable Inpatient Care Unit Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Environmental Correlates of Falls in Healthcare Settings Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Evidence-Based Design for the Neuro Intensive Care Unit at the Emory University Hospital Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Environmental Design And Post-Operative Recovery: A Comparative Study Of Two Cardiovascular And Cardiothoracic Wards Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Contextual and General Experiences Among Employees in Different Office-Types Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Beyond Daylight: The Relationship Between Views Preference and Daylighting Quality in Offices Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Employees’ Satisfaction: Sustainable vs. Conventional Work Environment Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Enhancing Workspace Performance: Predicting the Influence of Spatial and Psychosocial Factors on Job Satisfaction Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Perceived Quality of Collaborative Environment at Workplace: Impact from Physical Openness and Amount of “Common” Space Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Post Occupancy Survey of Postal Facilities: Analysis of Pre-coded and Post-Coded Data Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Physical Work Space and Media Richness: The Impact on Organizational Knowledge Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Quantitative Assessment of Individual and Group Privacy Needs Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Workers’ Perception of Workplace Environment and Culture: A Comparative Study of Six County Offices Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Seven Essential Teamwork Competencies and How to Design for Them Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Community Gardens: Strengthening Neighborhoods from the Ground Up Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Theory Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Composition Methods and Approach Sequence by Analysis of Water Space in Tadao Ando’s Works Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Evaluation of the Redesign of a Modernist Icon Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Literary Landscape: The Ideological Connections Between James Russell Lowell and Frederick Law Olmsted Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Leisure Place Advocacy: Understanding Place Related Behavior at a Destination Ski Resort Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Preserving Cultural Landscapes in the Neoliberal City: The Case of Community Gardens in New York City Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Evidence-Based Landscape Design Principles for Hospital-Park Systems: The Royal Children’s Hospital Redevelopment in Royal Park, Melbourne, Australia Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Health & Healing Environments Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Therapeutic Gardens at Teleton Rehabilitation Center in Santiago, Chile: Designing for Children, Family, and Staff Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Restorative Experience in Natural Settings: A Literature Review Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


What Attributes Do Older People Prefer in Accessing Their Local Open Space? Mapping the Role of the Environment by the Use of Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Place: Connecting People and their Environment Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Stories and Story Tellers: Sustaining Place and Reconstructing Identity Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Visual Rhetoric of the Everyday Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Sustaining Community Memory: Ruin Treatment Case Studies Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Walking Voices: First Generation Migrants’ Experiential Attachments to Urban Neighborhoods Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Architectural Programming Beyond Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: An Exploratory Homeless Shelter Architectural Programming Grid Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Theoretically-Based Model for Organizational Research & Design: A Case Study Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Politics of Facility Programming Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Programming With Pattern Language Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Programming in a Flat World Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Connecting Research & Practice Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Building Sustainable Communities through Campus/Community Partnerships Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Green Practices Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Creating Habitat: Soil Properties and the Swiss Ecoroof Biodiversity Movement Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Innerscapes: Interior Vertical Vegetation Growth Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Participatory Design 7th Ward Building Arts Gallery: A New Model for Community Design/Build Projects Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Rising from the Ruins: Artists’ Perceptions of Creation in an Adaptive Use Facility Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Assessing Challenges, Finding Rewards: Lessons from Community Design Centers Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Building and Sustaining a Community of Participatory Researchers Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Development of a Conceptual Plan for a Small Community: A Participatory Process in Traver, California Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Designing and Democratizing the Public Realm – A Place-Based Practice Story: Trumansburg’s Main Street Project Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of Participatory Design Research Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Is Participation Sustainable? Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Participatory Programming of an Elementary School Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Role Online Environments in Our Planning Processes: A Case Study in Queens, New York Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Post-Occupancy Evaluation Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Residence Hall Architecture and Sense of Community: Everything Old is New Again Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Alternative Housing Types Maximizing Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Culture and Sustainability: Ojibwe Housing Needs and Aspirations Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Cultural Contexts A Philosophical House, A Practical Home Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Defining and Measuring Home in Japan Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Housing Adaptation Pattern of Cross-Cultural Sojourner: A Case of Korean Sojourners in the United States Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Improvement of Residential Environments and the Design Model of Multi-Family Housing in Korean Traditional Contexts Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Quest for Sustainable Housing Patterns on the Island of Cyprus Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Implications of Commuting Satisfaction on Residential Movement Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Requirements and Examples of Healthy Housing Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Restorative Residents for Mothers with Young Children in Japan Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Transformation of the Built Environment as Cross Cultural Design Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Green Design Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Trends of recent Korean brand apartments by content analysis Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Ecology House: A Post-Occupancy Evaluation Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Renovating Houses to Meet the Demands of the 21st Century Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Green/Healthy/Affordable Housing: Complexity or Contradiction? Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Residential Property Remodeling for Enhancing Sustainability Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Housing Strategies in Developing Countries Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Building Sustainable Communities in Post-tsunami Sri Lanka: Retrospect & Prospect Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Flexibility and Participation Potentials of A Core Housing Strategy Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Impact of Home Based Economic Activities on Housing and Microenvironments in Aligarh Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Symbiotic Life of Different Income Groups Residential Areas of Istanbul Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Live-Work Housing Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Residential Outdoor Spaces Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Comparison of Residents’ Satisfaction Level of Outdoor Space by Housing Structure Type Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Micro-Social Ambiences of Housing Surroundings: Sensory/Sensitive and Social Properties of Row-Housing Gardens in a High Density Grouped Housing Context Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Resident’s Evaluation of Community Facilities in High-Rise Mixed-Use Apartments Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Comparative Study of Quantitative Methodology of Spatial Cognition Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Cognitive Processing of Urban Environment Through the Characteristic of Learning by Wayfinding Behaviors in a Grid Network of Streets Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Effect of Sign Color, Brightness and Letter Weight Factor on Legibility Depending on the User’s Age Group Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Evaluating Wayfinding in Shopping Complexes Using a Virtual Environment Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Environmental Graphic Design: Clear Goals and Expectations Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Regional Wall Coloring in Subway Transfer Stations Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Neurosciences and Design Research: Toward a Neuro-Environmental Psychology Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Spatial Cognition and Wayfinding: Research in Humans and Animals Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Role of Virtual Environments in Wayfinding Design: A Case Study Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Spatial Differentiation in Seoul Subway Transfer Stations Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Study on the Relationship between Visitors’ Satisfaction Level and Environmental Factors in Design Fair Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Study of Visual Perception Depending on Visual Factors in a Tourist Information Map Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Values and Responses to Design Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Web Interface — a Designer’s Perspective Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Visual Environmental Effects of the Virtual Space Formed by Game Engines Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Accessibility and Self-Identity: Defining Sense of Place for Users with Mobility Disabilities Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


An Experiment on the Effectiveness of Assembly Devices for the Orientation and Mobility of the Visually Impaired Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Re-Defining Disability: Developing a New P-E Model for Designers and Policy Makers Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Bathroom Design for the Disabled Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Recreational Spaces for the Visually Handicapped Part 2: Evaluation of Gift Shops on a Guided Bus Tour Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Study of Universal Design Principles in Outdoor Community Facilities in Apartment Complexes Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Study of Environmental Supports Through Structured Teaching for People with Autism and Other Developmental Disorders Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Sustaining Life-Worlds: Historical Memory, Enduring Practices, and Persistent Resistances Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Contemporary Urbanisms Challenging Contemporary Urbanisms: Multi-sector Social Construction Model Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Historic Preservation Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Importance of Urban Regeneration Towards a Sustainable City in the Old Railroad Station Neighborhood in Cordoba, Veracruz Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Measuring the Sustainability Level of the Walled City of Famagusta in Northern Cyprus Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Railways in Disuse and its Sustenance: The Case of the Mexican Railroad Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Landmarks Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Urban Character and Viewscape Assessment Study: Community Visioning Prototype as the Basis for Urban Land Use Regulation Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Sustainable Strategies in Developing Countries Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


How to know: The Potentiality of a Conurban Zone in Creating Design Strategies for Micro Regional Sustainable Development Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Global ICT Development: Image, Sustainability and the Transformation of Corporate Space in Bangalore, India Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Helping to Build Sustainable Communities with the UN Project: Territorial and Habitat Development Through the Strategic Management and Planning in Veracruz, Mexico Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Rescuing Prehispanic Patterns to Implement in Urban Design Projects for Utopian Sustainable Cities Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


A Proposal for the Gwang-ju Swan City Landscape Plan Using an Artificial Environment Color Scheme Based on Natural Environmental Colors Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


String Playing in Sustainable Edge Communities Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Urban Open Spaces Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Urban Open Spaces in Turkey Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Shifting Paradigms in the Urban Landscape Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


The Re-Creation of Front de Seine: Integrating the Real and Programmed Uses of Urban Space Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


How Bad is Bad? Understanding `Weakness’ in the Fabric of an Older Industrial Neighborhood in Newark, Ohio Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Urban Infill Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


Mixed-Use Development: From Ideal to Reality Environmental Design Research Association | 2007 print version


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